C# roguelike, devlog 2: Binary space partitioning trees

  1. Introduction
  2. Implementation
  3. Conclusion



I thought I’d start the project with creating a simple fixed size map and rendering it in the console.

The map generation technique I thought I’d try implementing involves using binary space partitioning to place rooms in a given space.

The technique is explained in the video presentation Procedural Map Generation Techniques by Herbert Wolverson. And in the roguebasin article Basic BSP Dungeon generation.

How a binary tree should function is quite well explained by Richard Fleming Jr in the videos Binary Trees and Tree Logic.


I’ll setup a most basic Map class that contains a grid of nullable bools in a 2D array called map.

Bools with a null value are void spaces, false values are walls and bools that are set to true are open spaces.

The Map.Render() method simply iterates through the array and prints a character on the screen according to the bool value.

The Map class contains a binary space partitioning tree that is used to build the map and set the values in the map array.

I’ll make a new class for binary space partitioning trees and call it BspTree.

The BspTree has an id that auto increments upon the creation of new trees, a world position stored as x & y and dimensions stored as width & height. It also contains a map reference to the Map object that created it and a reference to the root node in the tree. Upon creation of the tree a new node is created and set as the root.

The tree class contains methods for traversing and listing the nodes in the tree:

A binary tree contains nodes, so I’ll need to create a node class. I’ll call this BspNode.

The BspNode has an id that auto increments on the creation of a new node, a static minSize that defines the minimum allowed size for a node, height & width dimensions, a position relative to the tree stored as x & y, and references to it’s parent node, the two children nodes and the tree it belongs to. The node optionally also contains room data. Upon creation the node splits itself, randomly either horizontally or vertically into smaller and smaller nodes recursively until the minimum size is reached. When the minimum size is reached a room is created in the node. The nodes at the bottom of the tree that contain rooms are called leaves. A leaf can be identified by not having any children. All nodes except for the root node has a parent and a sibling. The root node can be identified by not having a parent.

The node class contains the following methods:

Then there’s the Room class that actually creates the room.

It has a x & y position, width, height, a reference to the parent node and area, a 2D array of nullable bools that works just like the array in Map.

Upon creation it recieves the full width and height of the parent node, but some padding is added and the room is made a bit smaller to create some open spaces on the map that are not occupied by rooms.

More rules can be added to the room, such as placing items or characters inside, but for now it’l just be a rectangle of open space surrounded by walls.

And the last class to add for now is the static Rand class for random generation.

Rand will make use of the build-in Random class.

Folder structure:
├── + Roguelike.csproj
└── src
    ├── + BspNode.cs
    ├── + BspTree.cs
    ├── + Game.cs
    ├── + Map.cs
    ├── + Rand.cs
    └── + Room.cs
Creating a new C# project:
laser-wolf@arch:~ $ mkdir Roguelike && cd Roguelike
laser-wolf@arch:~/Roguelike $ dotnet new console --use-program-main
laser-wolf@arch:~/Roguelike $ mv src/Program.cs src/Game.cs
namespace Roguelike;

/// <summary>
/// Shared class for random generation.
/// </summary>
static class Rand 
    public static Random random { get; private set; } = new Random();
    public static bool Percent(int i)
        return (random.Next(99) < i); 
namespace Roguelike;

static class Game
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Map map = new Map(96, 48);
namespace Roguelike;

/// <summary>
/// World map.
/// </summary>
public class Map
    // Map size
    public readonly int width;
    public readonly int height;

    // Map data
    public BspTree tree { get; private set; }
    private bool?[,] map;

    // Constructor
    public Map(int width, int height)
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.map = new bool?[width, height];
        this.tree = new BspTree(this, width, height);

    // Build the map
    private void BuildMap() {

        // Build all rooms

    // Build room from a node
    private void BuildRoom(BspNode node)
        if (node.HasRoom())
            Room room = node.room;
            BuildSpace(room.x, room.y, room.width, room.height, room.area);

    // Transfer location to world space and carve out area
    private void BuildSpace(int worldX, int worldY, int width, int height, bool?[,] area)
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                if (area[x, y] != null){ map[worldX + x, worldY + y] = area[x, y]; }

    // Render map as ascii characters
    public void Render() {
    Console.WriteLine("GENERATED MAP " + width.ToString() + "x" + height.ToString());
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                char tileChar = '.';

                if (map[x, y] == true)
                    tileChar = ' ';
                else if (map[x, y] == false)
                    tileChar = '#';
                // Write char to console

            // Go to next line
namespace Roguelike;

/// <summary>
/// Binary space partitioning (BSP) tree for map generation.
/// </summary>
public class BspTree
    // Tree count, increments every time a new tree is created
    public static int count { get; private set; } = 0;

    public readonly int id;     // Tree id
    public readonly int x;      // X position on map
    public readonly int y;      // Y position on map
    public readonly int width;  
    public readonly int height; 

    // Parent
    public readonly Map map;

    // Root node
    public readonly BspNode root;

    // Constructor
    public BspTree(Map map, int width, int height, int x = 0, int y = 0)
        this.id = count;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.map = map;
        // Generate all nodes and rooms
        this.root = new BspNode(this, width, height);

        // Print info for all nodes

    // Print info for a given node
    private void NodeInfo(BspNode node)
        Console.WriteLine("Node (" + node.id.ToString() + "), parent: " + (node.parent != null ? node.parent.id : "null") + ", sibling: " + (node.GetSibling() != null ? node.GetSibling().id : "null") + ", children[0]: " + (node.children[0] != null ? node.children[0].id : "null") + ", children[1]: " + (node.children[1] != null ? node.children[1].id : "null"));

    // Visit all nodes and call callback when visiting
    public void VisitAllNodes(Action<BspNode> callback)
        VisitNodes(root, callback);

    // Visit current node and all child nodes and call callback method when visiting
    private void VisitNodes(BspNode node, Action<BspNode> callback)
        if (node.children[0] != null) { VisitNodes(node.children[0], callback); }
        if (node.children[1] != null) { VisitNodes(node.children[1], callback); }

    // Visit all leaves and call callback when visiting
    public void VisitAllLeaves(Action<BspNode> callback)
        VisitLeaves(root, callback);

    // Traverse current node and all child nodes and call callback method when reaching the tree leaves
    private void VisitLeaves(BspNode node, Action<BspNode> callback)
        if (node.children[0] != null) { VisitLeaves(node.children[0], callback); }
        if (node.children[1] != null) { VisitLeaves(node.children[1], callback); }
        if (node.children[0] == null && node.children[1] == null) { callback(node); }

    // Visit left child recursively until leaf found
    public BspNode FindLeftLeaf(BspNode node)
        if (node.children[0] != null) { return FindLeftLeaf(node.children[0]); }
        else{ return node; }
    // Visit right child recursively until leaf found
    public BspNode FindRightLeaf(BspNode node)
        if (node.children[1] != null) { return FindRightLeaf(node.children[1]); }
        else{ return node; }

    // Find next leaf to the right of current leaf, return null if at rightmost leaf
    public BspNode LeafToLeafRight(BspNode node)
        while (true)
            bool moveRight = !node.IsSecondChild();
            if (node.parent == null) { return null; }
            else { node = node.parent; }
            if (node.children[1] != null && moveRight)
                node = node.children[1];
                if (node.children[0] != null) { return FindLeftLeaf(node.children[0]); }
                return node;

namespace Roguelike;

/// <summary>
/// Binary space partitioning (BSP) node for map generation.
/// </summary>
public class BspNode
    // Node count, increments every time a new node is created
    public static int count { get; private set; } = 0;

    // The node splits recursively until the minSize is reached (in either dimension)
    private static int minSize = 12;

    public readonly int id;     // Node id
    public readonly int x;      // X position on the map
    public readonly int y;      // Y position on the map
    public readonly int width;
    public readonly int height;

    // Parent tree
    public readonly BspTree tree;

    // Parent node
    public BspNode parent { get; private set;}

    // Children
    public BspNode[] children = { null, null };
    // Node data
    public Room room { get; private set; } = null;
    // Constructor
    public BspNode(BspTree tree, int width, int height, int x = 0, int y = 0, BspNode parent = null)
        this.id = count;
        this.tree = tree;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

        // Recursivly try to split the node into smaller nodes

    // Return node depth
    public int GetLevel() 
        int level = 0;
        BspNode parentCheck = parent;
        while (parentCheck != null)
            parentCheck = parentCheck.parent;
        return level;
    // Return true if this node has a parent
    public bool HasParent()
        if (parent != null) { return true; }
        return false;
    // Return true if this node is the second child
    public bool IsSecondChild()
        if (HasParent()) { if (parent.children[1] == this) { return true; } }
        return false;
    // Return the sibling node if this node has a sibling, else returns null
    public BspNode GetSibling()
        if (HasParent())
            if (IsSecondChild()) { return parent.children[0]; }
            else { return parent.children[1]; }
        return null;

    // Return true if this node has a room
    public bool HasRoom()
        if (room != null) { return true; }
        return false;

    // Return true if this node is a leaf
    public bool IsLeaf()
        if (children[0] == null && children[1] == null) { return true; }
        return false;

    // Try to split the node horizontally
    private bool TrySplitHorizontal() 
        int splitX = x + Rand.random.Next((int)(width * 0.25), (int)(width * 0.75));
        int widthChildLeft = splitX - x;
        int widthChildRight = (x + width) - splitX;
        if (widthChildLeft > minSize && widthChildRight > minSize)
            children[0] = new BspNode(tree, widthChildLeft, height, x, y, parent: this);
            children[1] = new BspNode(tree, widthChildRight, height, splitX, y, parent: this);
            return true;
        return false;

    // Try to split the node vertically
    private bool TrySplitVertical()
        int splitY = y + Rand.random.Next((int)(height * 0.25), (int)(height * 0.75));
        int heightChildLeft = splitY - y;
        int heightChildRight = (y + height) - splitY;
        if (heightChildLeft > minSize && heightChildRight > minSize)
            children[0] = new BspNode(tree, width, heightChildLeft, x, y, parent: this);
            children[1] = new BspNode(tree, width, heightChildRight, x, splitY, parent: this);
            return true;
        return false;

    // Try to split the node
    private void TrySplit() 
        // Set to true if node was split
        bool validSplit = false;
        // Decrease likelihood of splitting based on node depth
        bool trySplit = Rand.Percent(100 - Math.Min(25, (GetLevel() * 2)));

        // Randomly pick horizontal or vertical split
        bool dirHor = Rand.Percent(30);
        // Try to split the node
        if (trySplit)
            // Try to split the node horizontally, if not possible then try vertically
            if (dirHor)
                validSplit = TrySplitHorizontal(); 
                if (!validSplit) { validSplit = TrySplitVertical(); }
            // Try to split the node vertically, if not possible then try horizontally
                validSplit = TrySplitVertical(); 
                if (!validSplit) { validSplit = TrySplitHorizontal(); }

        // Was not able to split the node, turn the node into a room
        if (!validSplit) { MakeRoom(); }

    // Make a room in this node
    private void MakeRoom()
        room = new Room(this);
namespace Roguelike;

/// <summary>
/// A room.
/// </summary>
public class Room
    // The minimum size for a room (in either dimension)
    private static int minRoomSize = 5;

    public readonly int x;      // X position on the map
    public readonly int y;      // Y position on the map
    public readonly int width;
    public readonly int height;
    // Parent node
    public readonly BspNode node;

    // Room data
    public bool?[,] area { get; private set; }

    // Constructor
    public Room(BspNode node)

        // Set padding
        int paddingVertical = Rand.random.Next(2, Math.Clamp(node.height - minRoomSize, 2, 10));
        int paddingHorizontal = Rand.random.Next(2, Math.Clamp(node.width - minRoomSize, 2, 10)); 
        int paddingTop = Rand.random.Next((int)(paddingVertical * 0.2), (int)(paddingVertical * 0.8));
        int paddingLeft = Rand.random.Next((int)(paddingHorizontal * 0.2), (int)(paddingHorizontal * 0.8));

        int width = node.width - paddingHorizontal;
        int height = node.height - paddingVertical;

        // Restrict room width/height ratio
        if (height > width) { height = Math.Min((int)(width * 8), width); }
        else { width = Math.Min((int)(height * 8), height); }

        // Set position and size
        this.node = node;
        this.x = node.x + paddingLeft;
        this.y = node.y + paddingTop;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.area = new bool?[width, height];

        // Generate room
    // Generate room
    private void Generate() {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) 
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) 
                if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == width - 1 || y == height - 1) { area[x,y] = false; }
                else { area[x,y] = true; }


And that’s it for the first part of the BSP dungeon generator. In a later devlog I’ll add corridors between the rooms.

laser-wolf@arch:~/Roguelike $ dotnet run


Download the source code: roguelike-devlog2.zip

Find the project on GitHub: casper-borretzen/Roguelike