C# roguelike, devlog 6: Shadowcasting

  1. Introduction
  2. Implementation
  3. Extra
  4. Conclusion



Next up is adding a field-of-view algorithm. Here I thought I would try to implement the Symmetric Shadowcasting algorithm by Albert Ford. He explains Symmetric Shadowcasting very well in the video presentation Vision Visualized.

Another approach to shadowcasting can be found in the blog post What the Hero Sees: Field-of-View for Roguelikes by Bob Nystrom

For further reading on field-of-view algorithms check out the post (as referenced by Albert Ford) Roguelike Vision Algorithms by Adam Milazzo.


In addition to the shadowcasting algorithm I’ll also add a player character that can move around on the map with the arrow keys, and rewrite the Game class to add a basic game loop.

I’ll create a new static Shadowcast class, and it’ll contain the Symmetric Shadowcast algorithm. See the link above for more information on how it works.

I’ll quickly make a Player class too, and add some basic functionality like spawning on the Map and moving around, plus add calls to the static Shadowcast class to check what’s visible from the player’s position.

In the Map class I’ll add some methods for checking if a location blocks vision, like a wall, if a location has has been seen by the player before at some point and a method to check if a given loction is currently visible. Locations that have been seen are stored in a list, and locations that are currently visible are stored in a seperate list.

In Game I’ll add a super simple game loop that get’s user input and renders text in the console.

Folder structure:
├── Roguelike.csproj
└── src
    ├── BspNode.cs
    ├── BspTree.cs
    ├── Corridor.cs
    ├── Game.cs
    ├── Map.cs
    ├── PathGraph.cs
    ├── + Player.cs
    ├── Rand.cs
    ├── Room.cs
    ├── + ShadowCast.cs
    └── Vec2.cs
namespace Roguelike;

static class Game
    private static bool isRunning = true;
    public static Map map { get; private set; }
    public static Player player { get; private set; }

    // Program entry point
    static void Main(string[] args)

    // Initialize
    private static void Init()
        map = new Map(96, 48);
        player = new Player();

    // Main game loop
    private static void Run()
        // Setup console
        Console.CursorVisible = false;

        while (isRunning)

        // Reset console back to normal
        Console.CursorVisible = true;

    // Exit game
    private static void Exit()

    // Handle user input
    private static void Input()
        // Loop until valid input is given
        bool validKey = false;
        while (!validKey)
            // Wait for and get key input from user
            ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true);

            // Check if key was valid and process input
            validKey = ProcessInput(key);

    // Check if the pressed key was valid and process input
    private static bool ProcessInput(ConsoleKeyInfo key)
            switch (key.Key)
                case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                    return player.MoveUp();
                case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                    return player.MoveDown();
                case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
                    return player.MoveLeft();
                case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
                    return player.MoveRight();
                case ConsoleKey.Escape:
                    isRunning = false;
                    return true;

            return false;

    // Render things on screen
    private static void Render()
        // NOTE: This is a very inefficient way to clear the console that will result in heavy flickering, but it's just a temporary sollution.

        // A slightly better alternative to Console.Clear() could perhaps be something like:
        // string blank = new String(' ', 96);
        // Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
        // for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++)
        // {
        //     Console.Write(blank + Environment.NewLine);
        // }
        // Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);


    // Map data
    public BspTree tree { get; private set; }
    private bool?[,] map;
+   private List<int> mapSeen = new List<int>();
+   private List<int> mapVisible = new List<int>();
    public readonly PathGraph pathGraph;

    // Constructor
    public Map(int width, int height)
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.map = new bool?[width, height];
        this.pathGraph = new PathGraph(this);
        this.tree = new BspTree(this, width, height);
-       Render();

    public int MapCoord(int x, int y)
        return (width * y) + x;

    // Converts mapcoord to Vec2
    public Vec2 MapCoordReverse(int coord)
        return new Vec2(coord % width, coord / width);

+   // Returns true if a given Vec2 location is within the map bounds
+   public bool InBounds(Vec2 location)
+   {
+       if (location.x >= 0 && location.x < width && location.y >= 0 && location.y < height) { return true; }
+       return false;
+   }

+   // Returns true if a given Vec2 location blocks vision
+   public bool GetVisionBlocking(Vec2 location)
+   {
+       return InBounds(location) ? map[location.x, location.y] == false : true;
+   }

+   // Clear the list of visible locations
+   public void ClearVisible()
+   {
+       mapVisible.Clear();
+   }

+   // Set a given Vec2 location to visible   
+   public void SetVisible(Vec2 location)
+   {
+       if (InBounds(location)) 
+       { 
+           int coord = MapCoord(location.x, location.y);
+           mapSeen.Add(coord);
+           mapVisible.Add(coord);
+       }
+   }

+   // Returns true if a given location has been seen at some point
+   public bool GetSeen(int coord)
+   {
+       return mapSeen.Contains(coord);
+   }

+   // Returns true if a given location is visible
+   public bool GetVisible(int coord)
+   {
+       return mapVisible.Contains(coord);
+   }

    // Render map as ascii characters
    public void Render() {
-   Console.WriteLine("GENERATED MAP " + width.ToString() + "x" + height.ToString());
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
+               int coord = MapCoord(x, y);
                char tileChar = '.';
+               Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

+               // Render player
+               if (Game.player.x == x && Game.player.y == y){ tileChar = '@'; }

+               // Check if location has been seen
+               else if (GetSeen(coord))
+               {
                    if (map[x, y] == true)
                        tileChar = ' ';
                    else if (map[x, y] == false)
                        tileChar = '#';
                    // Visualize light intensity
+                   if (GetVisible(coord))
+                   {
                        int lightIntensity = GetLightIntensity(x, y);
                        if (lightIntensity > 16) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; }
                        else if (lightIntensity > 8) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; }
                        else if (lightIntensity > 0) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; }
                        else { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; }
+                   }
+               }

+               // Fade out non-visible locations
+               if (!GetVisible(coord)) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; }

                // Write char to console
+               Console.ResetColor();
            // Go to next line

namespace Roguelike;

/// <summary>
/// Player controlled character.
/// </summary>
public class Player
    public int x { get; private set; }
    public int y { get; private set; }
    private int visionRange = 16;

    public Player()

    private void Spawn()
        Room room = Game.map.tree.FindLeftLeaf(Game.map.tree.root).room;
        this.x = room.x + 1;
        this.y = room.y + 1;

    private void Fov()
        Shadowcast.Run(Game.map, new Vec2(x, y));

    public bool MoveUp()
        if (Game.map.pathGraph.HasLocation(Game.map.MapCoord(x, y-1))) { y--; Fov(); return true; }
        return false;

    public bool MoveDown()
        if (Game.map.pathGraph.HasLocation(Game.map.MapCoord(x, y+1))) { y++; Fov(); return true; }
        return false;
    public bool MoveLeft()
        if (Game.map.pathGraph.HasLocation(Game.map.MapCoord(x-1, y))) { x--; Fov(); return true; }
        return false;
    public bool MoveRight()
        if (Game.map.pathGraph.HasLocation(Game.map.MapCoord(x+1, y))) { x++; Fov(); return true; }
        return false;

namespace Roguelike;

/// <summary>
/// Shadowcasting algorithm used for field-of-view.
/// Implementation based on:
/// "Symmetric Shadowcasting" by Albert Ford
/// https://www.albertford.com/shadowcasting/
/// </summary>
public static class Shadowcast

    // Walk through every quadrant and set visible locations
    public static void Run(Map map, Vec2 origin, int range = 99)
        // Set current position to visible

        // Scan all four quadrants (north, south, east, west)
        for (int quadrant = 0; quadrant < 4; quadrant++)
            Scan(map, origin, quadrant, 1, -1, 1, range);
    // Recursively scan through rows and columns in a given quadrant
    private static void Scan(Map map, Vec2 origin, int quadrant, int row, float startSlope, float endSlope, int range)
        // Set start and end column numbers based on slope
        bool rowVisible = false;
        int minCol = (int)Math.Floor(((float)row * (float)startSlope) + (float)0.5);
        int maxCol = (int)Math.Ceiling(((float)row * (float)endSlope) - (float)0.5);
        for (int col = minCol; col <= maxCol; col++)
            // Set current world position
            Vec2 pos = Location(origin, quadrant, row, col);

            // Check if current column is visible
            if ((map.GetVisionBlocking(pos) || Symmetric(row, col, startSlope, endSlope)) && (row + Math.Abs(col)) <= range)
                rowVisible = true;

            // Check if not the first column
            if (col != minCol)
                // Set world position for previous column
                Vec2 posPrev = Location(origin, quadrant, row, col -1);

                // Check if previous location was wall and current location is floor
                if (map.GetVisionBlocking(posPrev) && !map.GetVisionBlocking(pos))
                    startSlope = Slope(row, col);

                // Check if previous location was floor and current location is wall
                if (!map.GetVisionBlocking(posPrev) && map.GetVisionBlocking(pos) && row < range)
                    Scan(map, origin, quadrant, row + 1, startSlope, Slope(row, col), range);

            // Check if last column is floor
            if (col == maxCol && !map.GetVisionBlocking(pos) && rowVisible && row < range)
                Scan(map, origin, quadrant, row + 1, startSlope, endSlope, range);

    // Calculate start slope or end slope
    private static float Slope(int row, int col)
        return ((float)2.0 * (float)col - (float)1.0) / ((float)2.0 * (float)row);

    // Checks if a given location can be seen symmetrically from origin location
    private static bool Symmetric(int row, int col, float startSlope, float endSlope)
        return ((float)col >= (float)row * startSlope && (float)col <= (float)row * endSlope);

    // Transform row/column in quadrant to location in world space
    private static Vec2 Location(Vec2 origin, int quadrant, int row, int col)
        switch (quadrant)
            // North
            case 0: return new Vec2(origin.x + col, origin.y - row);
            // South
            case 1: return new Vec2(origin.x + col, origin.y + row);
            // East
            case 2: return new Vec2(origin.x + row, origin.y + col);
            // West
            case 3: return new Vec2(origin.x - row, origin.y + col);
        return null;


Here is an alternative shadowcasting algorithm based on What the Hero Sees: Field-of-View for Roguelikes by Bob Nystrom.

But this implementation isn’t 100% complete and needs some more work (since so far I couldn’t get corners of rooms to be set as visible properly).


    private void Fov()
-       Shadowcast.Run(Game.map, new Vec2(x, y));
+       ShadowcastAlt.Run(Game.map, new Vec2(x, y));

namespace Roguelike;

/// <summary>
/// Shadowcasting algorithm used for field-of-view.
/// Implementation based on:
/// "What the Hero Sees: Field-of-View for Roguelikes" by Bob Nystrom
/// https://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2015/09/07/what-the-hero-sees/
/// </summary>
public static class ShadowcastAlt
    // Go through every octant and set visible locations
    public static void Run(Map map, Vec2 origin)
        // Scan all eight octants
        for (int octant = 0; octant < 8; octant++)
            Scan(map, origin, octant);
    private class Shadow
        public float start { get; set; }
        public float end { get; set; }
        public Shadow(int row, int col)
            this.start = (float)col / ((float)row + (float)2.0);
            this.end = ((float)col + (float)1.0) / ((float)row + (float)1.0);
    private class Shadowlist
        private List<Shadow> shadows = new List<Shadow>();
        public bool fullShadow { get; private set; }
        // Check if current location is visible or covered in shadow
        public bool IsVisible(Shadow projection)
            foreach (Shadow shadow in shadows)
                if (shadow.start <= projection.start && shadow.end >= projection.end) { return false; }
            return true;
        // Add shadow to shadowlist
        public void Add(Shadow shadow)
            // Find out where to put the new shadow in the list
            int index = 0;
            for (index = 0; index < shadows.Count; index++)
                // Stop when hitting the insertion point
                if (shadows[index].start >= shadow.start) { break; }
            // Check if the new shadow overlaps the previous shadow
            Shadow overlappingPrev = null;
            if (index > 0 && shadows[index - 1].end >= shadow.start)
                overlappingPrev = shadows[index - 1];
            // Check if the new shadow overlaps the next shadow
            Shadow overlappingNext = null;
            if (index < shadows.Count && shadows[index].start <= shadow.end)
                overlappingNext = shadows[index];
            // Overlaps with the next shadow
            if (overlappingNext != null)
                // Overlaps with both shadows so unify one and delete the other
                if (overlappingPrev != null)
                    overlappingPrev.end = overlappingNext.end;
                // Overlaps with only the next one so unify with that
                else if (overlappingNext.start > shadow.start)
                    overlappingNext.start = shadow.start;
            // Does not overlap with the next shadow
                // Overlaps with only the previous one so unify with that
                if (overlappingPrev != null)
                    if (overlappingPrev.end < shadow.end)
                        overlappingPrev.end = shadow.end;
                // Does not overlap with anything so insert to the list
                    shadows.Insert(index, shadow);
            // Set fullshadow to true if shadow goes from 0 to 1
            fullShadow = (shadows.Count == 1) && (shadows[0].start == (float)0) && (shadows[0].end == (float)1.0);

    // Transform row/column in octant to world location 
    private static Vec2 Location(Vec2 origin, int row, int col, int octant)
        switch (octant)
            case 0: return new Vec2(origin.x + col, origin.y + row);
            case 1: return new Vec2(origin.x + col, origin.y - row);
            case 2: return new Vec2(origin.x - col, origin.y + row);
            case 3: return new Vec2(origin.x - col, origin.y - row);
            case 4: return new Vec2(origin.x + row, origin.y + col);
            case 5: return new Vec2(origin.x + row, origin.y - col);
            case 6: return new Vec2(origin.x - row, origin.y + col);
            case 7: return new Vec2(origin.x - row, origin.y - col);
        return null;

    // Loop through every location in octant
    private static void Scan(Map map, Vec2 origin, int octant, int maxRows = 99)
        // Create a new shadowlist
        Shadowlist shadowlist = new Shadowlist();

        // Loop through row by row until going out of bounds or reaching fullShadow
        bool endScan = false;
        for (int row = 1; row < maxRows; row++)
            // Loop through columns in the current row
            bool rowVisible = false;
            for (int col = 0; col <= row; col++)
                // Set the current world location
                Vec2 pos = Location(origin, row, col, octant);

                // Stop when going out of bounds or reaching fullShadow
                if (shadowlist.fullShadow || (!map.InBounds(pos) && col == 0)) { endScan = true; break; }
                else if (!map.InBounds(pos)) { break; }
                // Make shadow projection for current location
                Shadow projection = new Shadow(row, col);

                // Check if location is visible
                if (shadowlist.IsVisible(projection)) 
                    rowVisible = true; 
                    // Add shadow projection to shadowlist if location blocks view
                    if (map.GetVisionBlocking(pos)) { shadowlist.Add(projection); }

            // End the scan
            if (!rowVisible || endScan){ break; }


A super basic game loop is in place with a player that can move around with the arrow keys in a very simple dungeon.

laser-wolf@arch:~/Roguelike $ dotnet run


Download the source code: roguelike-devlog6.zip

Find the project on GitHub: casper-borretzen/Roguelike